Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

First Family Trip to Phuket Thailand ~ 9th to 12th November 2008

Swim Swim Swim... we swam everyday at the pool :)
I like it!

See my sundress? I'm all dressed up & waiting for the adults get ready to bring me out!Aiyo, don't always ask me to look at the camera la... I prefer the bikini babes out there!
Hello hello, big waves, please come...Woo hoo.... why am I sinking into the sandy beach?
Family Photo at Hotel Lobby.
What a sumptuous seafood dinner! I have no share though!Very very tired after the trip... zzzzzzzzzzz.....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Signs of Teething? ~ 2nd November 2008

Party Party ~ 1st November 2008

Birthday Girl Megan
Pinky balloons - oh' so sweet!

The cousins... stunned...

Happy 1st Year Old Cousin Megan. When's my turn?


Saturday, October 25, 2008

What do you think of this? ~ 25th October 2008

I can stAnd! ~ 25th October 2008

Mama was wondering when I could push myself up from tummy to sitting position.. I did it exactly at 7 months... few days later, I could pull myself up to standing position with support!... And few days later, I waved bye bye to her!! ;)

Friday, October 17, 2008

M for MacDonald's! ~ 18 October 2008

妈妈带我到麦当劳吃早餐~ 第一次哦!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Breakfast at Yakun ~ 11 October 2008

After collecting my passport with mama and yiyi, we went to Yakun for breakfast.
I'm a good girl today - took bus, mrt, and sat still throughout the breakfast without fussing! woo hooo.. I made mama her day!

Marketing with Cousin Megan ~ 05 Oct 2008

*Shopping at Parkway NTUC on a rainy Sunday morning, with papa, mama, nai nai, shu shu, shen shen, gu ma, gu zhang, biao ge, and biao jie*

Oh look at my hamburger face!
Nai-nai wants me to look more girly... check out my headband!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Toes Lickin' Good! ~ 1st October 2008

Mama says I am not supposed to suck my toes... but she's not looking now.. ahh haaa!!! *shhhhhh*

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Leopard Crawl ~ 26th June 2008

My First Army Training at 14+ weeks old - Leopard Crawl.
Look at me, I am so serious!!!

Look At Me ~ 25th June 2008

My standard pose. Cute? (oops, where's my hanky?)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Home Alone ~ 24th May 2008

Mama & Popo went out, so I am home alone with ah yi :-)

Eating 'Drumstick' ~ 24th May 2008

I am hungry, 所以我在吃"鸡腿".

Saturday, April 26, 2008