Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yu Han is 3! (Part 1) - 13th March 2011

The 3rd candle was blocked by one of the figurines :(
Iphone's resolution... der....

Videoclip taken with iphone... She IS happy!

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Drawings - 9th March 2011

I wish I have better flair in drawing... I can't even draw a dog that looks like a dog!
I drew a duck the other day and Yu Han asked me if I'm drawing a fish! Oh Gosh!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Zoo - 5th March 2011

A couple of times to the zoo, but today was the first time we rented the wagon and first time we brought Le along!
Han refused to remove her butt from her wagon whereas Le refused to butt himself in the wagon....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Son

An old image again...
Collaged ~ 3 mths ago for his one year old birthday.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Draw a Man

Found this image lying on my desktop and thought of putting it up before we forget about it.. Based on the image date, this is taken (drawn) on 31 Dec 2010.

According to her, she is drawing 弟弟... :) (Look at the hair! exactly like Didi's!? )